Is Your Website Driving Customers Away?

What do customers want? What can truly capture their interest and drive sales? What evokes unconditional loyalty and advocacy? Every entrepreneur and marketer is looking for answers of these questions. As a digital marketing agency, we understand that digital technology hasn’t changed the basic principles of selling and advertising. We assist our client apply the century-old yet relevant principles of selling to digital space effectively. People can get blinded by next big things in field of technology and fail to notice what works and what doesn’t. Let’s explore selling principles as applicable to online space.

Customer says, “Don’t make me wait.”

Is your website driving customer away

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As marketers, entrepreneurs and buyers, we understand this principle. So, don’t make customers wait online either. Your prompt and genuine support will go long way in creating a pleased clientele. That’s why; you want to avoid any of the following online mistakes.

  • Loading time is too slow.
  • Check out process is too time-consuming.
  • A registration process is compulsory.
  • Web content is too long or too complicated.
  • Download speed is too slow.
  • There is no easy way to contact the organization immediately.
  • Check out or download buttons are not easily available.
  • This website isn’t responsive.
  • Customer says, “It seems shady. I don’t buy it”

    Website customer says I don’t buy it

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    Trust is a complex concept for most sellers to establish across digital media. Frankly, you don’t have alternative. With growing number of unreliable online businesses, you need to take the extra effort to build a trusting relationship with your customers. So, you do not want your customers to think the following. It will neither build trust nor generate sales.

  • This website does not seem safe.
  • There are no actual answers in FAQ session. It is just promotional content.
  • Where is the return policy? Where is the refund policy? Where is cancellation policy? What will I do if…
  • Why does this website have so many pop ups?
  • Why does this site autoplay video/music?
  • There isn’t enough information to make a well informed decision about this product.
  • There are too many ads. Where is the website content that I wanted to read?
  • Customer says, “I am bored.”

    Website customer says I am bored

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    No marketer or entrepreneur wants to bore the customer. Within seconds, your visitor has left the website and moved onto the next tab in browser. You might as well say bye. But, engaging isn’t equivalent to cool or fun. It is a right combination of interesting and relevant. Though, definitive of customer engagement vary with every website, industry and target audience, “engagement” is the key. So, what are the mistakes you want to avoid?

  • There is no engaging content on social media websites.
  • The website content is irrelevant, complicated, stuffed with keywords and/or old.
  • There are too many other products and/or services on the page.
  • Font size, font color, font type make content illegible. It is hard to scan.
  • This website does not fulfil customer’s expectations instantly.
  • Online businesses can grow and thrive in spite of some mistakes as long as you don’t break The Fundamental Rule of Online Success. Rest of all these mistakes can be rectified easily.

    Is Your Website Driving Customers Away - Stay ahead of the game

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    Are you ahead of the game?