Social Media Optimization

During the past few years, we can particularly see (with the emergence of Google as the major player of search engines) Social Media Optimization (SMO) has become the byword of internet savvy marketers. Social media is basically used to create viral publicity and increase awareness of a product or brand for any organization or event. The ultimate goal of SMO is to generate traffic and awareness for a brand or website.

Google crawls social content which is shared by the users on various platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, etc., to rank pages in search results. This, in turn, supports Search Engine Optimization (SEO). It has, hence, become very important to integrate Social Media with SEO.

On updating posts, tweets or any other information on social networking sites, it is very important to optimize the content with a relevant keyword for better performance of the content. More specifically, the practice has to be of continuously optimizing social posts to extend their reach, making them visible and engaging to more people; prompting viewers to interact with the post in some way.

Also, when it comes to the most active social networks for most brands, Facebook and Twitter there are strategies for optimizing posts and tweets that can improve engagement organically. Social Media Optimization is very important and an indispensible part of a brand/website success, irrespective of whether it is owned by a company or an individual.

Online Reputation Management

There is an immense need for Online Reputation Management (ORM) as the online medium has undoubtedly, become an indispensable part of our modern lives. ORM is the practice of monitoring the Internet reputation of a person, brand or business, with the goal of emphasising positive coverage rather than negative reviews or feedback.

Everyday several companies experience severe challenges and lose large amounts of money because of false news posted on message board, blogs, social media platforms, forums and the major search engines from many of their hostile customers, dissatisfied employees and villainous competitors. Their main aim is to harm the online business and create a bad image among the masses and damage the company’s reputation.

Monitoring Your Brand & Cleaning Up Online Negativity

How do you know your customers are talking negative online? Have you ever done an online search for your company or personal name and come across negative reviews? You have to stop these opinions from destroying your brand. There are tools which helps us keep a track about what people are talking about your brand every day, online. By first listening and then taking necessary steps to avoid negative comments, you have to keep replying instantly, creating positive blogs, posting articles, sharing new content about your brand and swiftly handling negative comments. The strongest impacts are created when we create posts backed by solid proof!